
class ansys.dynamicreporting.core.Service(ansys_version: int = None, docker_image: str = '', data_directory: str = None, db_directory: str = None, port: int = 8000, logfile: str = None, ansys_installation: str | None = None)#

Provides for creating a connection to an Ansys Dynamic Reporting service.

ansys_versionint, optional

Three-digit format for a locally installed Ansys version. For example, 232 for Ansys 2023 R2. The default is None.

docker_imagestr, optional

Docker image to use if you do not have a local Ansys installation. The default is "".

data_directorystr, optional

Path to the directory for storing temporary information from the Docker image. The default is creating a new directory inside the OS temporary directory. This parameter must pass a directory that exists and is empty.

db_directorystr, optional

Path to the database directory for the Ansys Dynamic Reporting service. The default is None. This parameter must pass a directory that exists and is empty.

portint, optional

Port to run the Ansys Dynamic Reporting service on. The default is 8000.

logfilestr, optional

File to write logs to. The default is None. Acceptable values are filenames or stdout for standard output.

ansys_installationstr, optional

Path to the directory where Ansys is installed locally. If Ansys is not installed locally but is to be run in a Docker image, set the value for this paraemter to "docker".


The "db_directory" argument has not been provided when using a Docker image.


Can not create the "db_directory" when using a Docker image.


The "ansys_installation" does not correspond to a valid Ansys installation. directory


Can not find the Ansys version number from the installation directory.


Initialize the class and connect to an Ansys Dynamic Reporting service running on the localhost on port 8010 with username set to "admin" and password set to "mypsw" using a local Ansys installation:

import ansys.dynamicreporting.core as adr
installation_dir = r'C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232'
adr_service = adr.Service(ansys_installation = installation_dir)
ret = adr_service.connect(url = "http://localhost:8010", username = "admin", password = "mypsw")


Service.connect([url, username, password, ...])

Connect to a running service.

Service.create_item([obj_name, source])

Create an item that gets automatically pushed into the database.


Delete objects from the database.


Get a list of top-level reports in the database.


Get a Report item that corresponds to a report in the database with a given name.

Service.query([query_type, filter])

Query the database.

Service.start([username, password, ...])

Start a new service.


Stop the service connected to the session.

Service.visualize_report([report_name, ...])

Render the report.



GUID of the session associated with the service.


URL for the service.