Dataset and Session Objects =========================== .. _DatasetREST: report_objects.DatasetREST object --------------------------------- This object is a Python representation of an Ansys Dynamic Reporting dataset object. When this object is created, a GUID will automatically be generated for the object. Data members ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following attributes are available on a DatasetREST object: - guid - string GUID. The default is str(uuid.uuid1()) - tags - The user-defined tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated. - filename - The filename portion of the dataset local path, a string - dirname - The directory name portion of the dataset local path, a string - format - The format of the dataset, a string - numparts - The number of parts in the dataset, an integer - numelements - The total number of elements in the dataset, an integer (a measure of the size of the dataset) Methods ^^^^^^^ **dataset.set_tags(tagstring)** Set the tags for the dataset to the passed string. Multiple tags are space-separated. **dataset.get_tags()** Returns the tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated. **dataset.add_tag(tag, value=None)** Adds a tag to the current tag string. If no value is passed, the simple tag string is added to the tags string. If a value is specified, a string of the form tag=value will be added to the tag string. **dataset.rem_tag(tag)** Remove the tag (and any potential associated value) from the current tag string. .. _SessionREST: report_objects.SessionREST object --------------------------------- This object is a Python representation of an Ansys Dynamic Reporting session object. When this object is created, a GUID will automatically be generated for the object and the date is set to the current time/date. Data members ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following attributes are available on a SessionREST object: - guid - string GUID. The default is ``str(uuid.uuid1())`` - tags - The user defined tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated. - date - The time & date of the creation of this object. The default is: ```` - hostname - The name of the host system the session was run on, a string - version - The version of the application that was used to generate this session, a string - platform - The platform/OS on which the application generated this session, a string - application - The name of the application generating this session, a string Methods ^^^^^^^ **session.set_tags(tagstring)** Set the tags for the session to the passed string. Multiple tags are space-separated. **session.get_tags()** Returns the tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated. **session.add_tag(tag, value=None)** Adds a tag to the current tag string. If no value is passed, the simple tag string is added to the tags string. If a value is specified, a string of the form tag=value will be added to the tag string. **session.rem_tag(tag)** Remove the tag (and any potential associated value) from the current tag string.